What are the characteristics of Permoxxboard?
Permoxxboard has many good qualities. It is non-flammable, shock resistant, and has high pull is strong. Furthermore, it is odorless and asbestos.
By who is Permoxxboard tested
Permoxxboard has been tested by:
Efectis (voorheen TNO)
Cauberg Huygen
Tüv Rheinland
MPA Hannover
What brands of paint, adhesion and fasteners can i use?
Look on the knowledge base on our website. kennisbank
Permoxxboard is sensitive to pests?
No, Permoxxboard is not sensitive to pests.
Where can i apply Permoxxboard?
Walls, ceilings, pillars and joist.
Can i also apply Permoxxboard outside?
Permoxxboard can be applied, if the general application instructions are properly followed.
Can i screw Permoxxboard?
Yes, view the general application instructions on our website.
Can i staple Permoxxboard?
Yes, view the general application instructions on our website.
How can i edit Permoxxboard?
yes but always take the General processing rules.
What screws do I need to use for processing Permoxxboard?
Gefosfateerde stainless steel screws with electrospindle.
Can I apply active fire prevention at Permoxxboard?
What is the thickness of Permoxxboard?
Permoxxboard is available in 6, 9, 12 en 18 mm.
What are the dimensions of Permoxxboard?
Depending on the thickness is Permoxxboard available in 600 x 2743, 1200 x 2743, 1220 x 2440 and 900 x 1200.
Do I need special devices for the processing of Permoxxboard?
No, its possible to progress on Permoxxboard with regular devices.
Is Permoxxboard suitable for wet areas?
yes but always take the General processing rules.
How do i have to stall Permoxxboard?
Permoxxboard must be stored in dry horizontal areas.
What is the delivery time of Permoxxboard?
Permoxxboard is provided by dealers from the distribution center. When there are large measuring fads required, you must take 10-12 weeks delivery time.
What is Permoxxboard made of?
Permoxxboard is a molded plate material and consists of magnesium oxide, magnesium chloride, glass fiber and perlite.